Thursday, June 26, 2008
A respector of Persons with repect to persecution AND prosecution
841100, Florida, The Nation, May 7 1988, p634. In November 1984FBI agents in Florida intercepted a shipment of 760 pounds ofcocaine from Honduras and arrested a top-ranking Honduran officer, Jose Bueso Rosa, for his role in a plot to overthrow andmurder the President of Honduras, to be financed by $10 million from the drug deal. And from 1982 to 1986 a drugs-and-armsnetwork which supplied the contras operated out of Honduran airstrips, according to Jose Blandon, former aide to Manuel Noriega, and ABC News. After Bueso was convicted, Oliver North and six other Administration officials pleaded for leniency in sentencing him. They were willing to overlook Bueso'sassociation with drug smugglers because of his valuable, unspecified services to U. S. policy makers. The DEA denies that it showed similar leniency toward the contras' patrons whenit closed its office in Tegucigalpa, Honduras between 1983 and 1988.
Evidence of Drug importation on purpose
by (Larry-Jennie)
Castillo, Celerino III and Harmon, Dave, POWDERBURNS, Oakville, Ont., Mosaic Press, 1994 Head of DEA in El Salvador discovered that the Contras were smuggling cocaine into the United States. Castillo's superiors reacted to his reports by burying them. This book is too controversial for an American publisher to print.
Cockburn, Leslie, OUT OF CONTROL, New York, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987 Early account of the of the Reagan Administration's secret war in Nicaragua, the illegal arms pipeline and the Contra drug connection.
Johnson, Haynes, SLEEPWALKING THROUGH HISTORY, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 1991. Pg. 261-274, 292-293 History of the Reagan years traces the relationships of William Casey, Manuel Noriega and the Medellin cocaine cartel.
Gugliotta, Guy and Leen, Jeff, KINGS OF COCAINE, New York, Harper Paperbacks, 1989 Miami drug investigation runs into powerful smugglers.
Levine, Michael, THE BIG WHITE LIE, New York, Thunder's Mouth Press, 1993 DEA undercover investigator learns that the biggest deterrent to stopping the drug epidemic is the Central Intelligence Agency.
Levine, Michael, DEEP COVER, New York, Dell Publishing, 1990 DEA undercover operative penetrates the leadership of the Bolivian cocaine cartel, Panamanian money-launderers and Mexican military middle-men. But it is all for nought, as interference from the CIA and Attorney General Meese, along with DEA infighting, sabotage the investigation.
McCoy, Alfred, THE POLITICS OF HEROIN, Brooklyn, NY, Lawrence Hill Books, 1991 Excellent history about CIA complicity in the global drug trade, from the French Connection, to Southeast Asia and onward into the Afghanistan and Latin America. A must read.
Morris, Roger, PARTNERS IN POWER, New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1996 Traces rise of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Sections on Bill's recruitment by the CIA and his involvement in Mena.
Parry, Robert, FOOLING AMERICA, New York, William Morrow and Company, 1992 Several sections discuss Contra cocaine smuggling in this book which describes how Washington insiders twist the truth and manufacture the Conventional Wisdom.
Persico, Joseph E., CASEY, New York, Viking Penguin, 1990, pg..478-481 Biography on former CIA director William Casey briefly explores the relationships between the CIA and drug traffickers, as well as the protection of narco-CIA assets.
Reed, Terry and Cummings, John, COMPROMISED, New York, S.P.I. Books, 1994 The definitive book on Mena, Reed's first-person account of his CIA service on behalf of the Contras opens eyes as to the relationships between the CIA, drug trafficking and recent occupants of the White House. A second edition is in bookstores, however not from bankrupt S.P.I. Books.
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr., BOY CLINTON, Washington, DC, Regnery Press, 1996 Traces rise of Bill Clinton.
Adams, Lorraine, "North Didn't Relay Drug Tips; DEA Says It Finds No Evidence Reagan Aide Talked to Agency," WASHINGTON POST, October 22, 1994, pg A1 Oliver North knew his Contra network was smuggling cocaine, but he did not inform the DEA as required by law.
Anderson, Jack and Van Atta, Dale, "Drug Runner's Legacy," February 28, 1989 Federal authorities stonewall investigations into Barry Seal's drug-trafficking.
Anderson, Jack and Van Atta, Dale, "Small Town for Smuggling," March 1, 1989 Suspects say they worked for the CIA to turn back investigations into the cocaine of Mena.
Arbanas, Michael, "Hutchinson knew in 83 of Seal probe, ex-IRS agent says," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, September 19, 1990 IRS agent William Duncan claimed Asa Hutchinson knew about allegations of drug trafficking at Mena when he was U.S. Attorney.
Arbanas, Michael, "Truth on Mena, Seal shrouded in shady allegations; Drug smuggling rumors just won't die," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, December 22, 1990 Long overview of Mena evidence.
Arbanas, Michael, "FBI apparently investigating Mena, Seal," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, May 24, 1991
Bowers, Rodney, "Slain smuggler used airport," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, December 14, 1987 Evidence showing drug smuggler Barry Seal used Mena airport, and that federal Justice officials interfered in local law enforcement investigating the narcotics.
Bowers, Rodney, "House investigators opens Mena probe," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, December 17, 1987 Aide to Congressman William Hughes (D-NJ) visited Mena to gather evidence and testimony.
Brown, Chip, "Former DEA agent: North knew of cocaine shipments to U.S.," ASSOCIATED PRESS, June 17, 1994 DEA agent Celerino Castillo tells of his knowledge regarding drug smuggling through the Contra resupply network.
"Co-pilot held answers sought in investigation; But he died in plane crash in 1985," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 27, 1988, pg 6A
Cockburn, Alexander, "Chapters in the Recent History of Arkansas," THE NATION, February 24, 1992 Describes what was revealed in court papers filed by Terry Reed in his case against Clinton aide Buddy Young regarding CIA Contra cocaine smuggling out of Mena.
Crudele, John, "Drugs and the CIA -- A Scandal Unravels in Arkansas," NEW YORK POST, April 21, 1995 Report that special prosecutor Kenneth Starr is investigating the CIA guns-for-drugs operations at Mena.
Crudele, John, "Bombshell in Arkansas Investigations Brings Both Parties the Jitters," NEW YORK POST, August 14, 1995 Congressman Jim Leach's Banking Committee and the House Judiciciary Committee investigate allegations of cocaine trafficking at Mena that point responsibility at the Clinton, Bush and Reagan administrations.
"Demo Says IRS Blocked Probe Of Drugs, Arms," SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE (ASSOCIATED PRESS), July 28, 1989 Rep. Alexander (D-Ark.) Charges the IRS with blocking investigations into cocaine of Mena.
"Deposition summarizes rumors about Seal," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 26, 1988, pg. 18A Former military investigator Gary Wheaton gave a sworn deposition claiming that Barry Seal engaged in gun-running and drug smuggling with the consent of the Drug Enforcement Administration and Central Intelligence Agency.
editorial, "Investigate Mena," WALL STREET JOURNAL, July 10, 1995, pg A12
Epstein, Edward Jay, "On the Mena Trail," WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 20, 1994 The Journal warns that beneath Clinton's crimes, lie the crimes of Reagan and Bush.
Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "Cocaine and Toga Parties," SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, July 17, 1994 Describes evidence that Bill Clinton enjoyed drugs and young women.
Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "International Smugglers linked to Contra arms deals," SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, October 9, 1994 Links Contra cocaine smuggling with Bill Clinton associate, Dan Lasater.
Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "Airport scandal set to crash into White House," DAILY TELEGRAPH, March 27, 1995 Recounts evidence provided by Terry Reed and William Duncan regarding cocaine trafficking through Arkansas.
Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "Clinton Involved in CIA Arms and Drugs Racket," SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, July 9, 1995 Reveals that AMERICAN SPECTATOR was about to publish an interview with former Clinton bodyguard, L.D. Brown. Conservative editor R. Emmett Tyrrell remarked how shocked he was to uncover CIA skullduggery involving the secret was against the Sandinistas.
Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "Embattled Clinton falls back on Nixon's Watergate defence," ELECTRONIC TELEGRAPH, December 18, 1995
Haddigan, Michael, "'Fat Man' key to mystery," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 26, 1988, pg. A1 Overview of the investigations and obstructions to uncovering the truth behind the cocaine of Mena.
Haddigan, Michael, "The Kingpin and his many connections," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 27, 1988, pg. 1A Explores the career of Barry Seal.
Haddigan, Michael, "Mena tires of rumors," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 28, 1988, pg. 1A Remote Mena airport does special refittings for planes from around the world.
Hanchette, John, "House Banking Committee Probing Tangled Tale of Mena, Ark.," GANNETT NEWS SERVICE, January 25, 1996 House Banking Chairman Jim Leach is investigating Mena.
Harmon, Dave, "Ex-agent: Drug sales aided contras; Retired DEA man says smuggling, North venture linked," CHICAGO TRIBUNE, January 26, 1993 Celerino Castillo describes the frustration in prosecuting cocaine smugglers involved with the Contra resupply network.
Henson, Maria, "Testimony reveals leak in drug probe: Cost Seal his life, witness says," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, July 29, 1988 House Judiciary subcommittee on crime hears DEA officials tell how a White House leak revealing Barry Seal's undercover work ruined a major drug investigation.
Henson, Maria, "Alexander threatens budget ax to get agency's cooperation; He pledges to continue investigation into drug trafficking," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, October 5, 1988 Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.) tries to force the Reagan administration to allow a General Accounting Office investigation into drug-trafficking around Mena.
"IRS says smuggler owes $29 million, seizes his property," BATON ROUGE STATE TIMES, February 5, 1986, pg. 1-A Some of Barry Seal's assets are listed.
"Judge set to rule in dispute over Seal's tax assessment," BATON ROUGE STATE TIMES, March 28, 1986
Kwitny, Jonathan, "Dope Story: Doubts Rise on Report Reagan Cited in Tying Sandinistas to Cocaine," WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 22, 1987 Account of Barry Seal's activities in Mena and his attempt as a DEA informant to connect the Sandinistas with cocaine trafficking.
Lemons, Terry and Fullerton, Jane, "Perot Called Clinton About Mena Inquiry," ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, April 19, 1992 In 1988, Ross Perot called Gov. Bill Clinton to discuss the allegations of cocaine trafficking on behalf of the Contras in Mena.
Lemons, Terry and Fullerton, Jane, "Perot Vows Mena Airport Won't Be Issue If He Runs," ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, April 26, 1992. Perot confirms that he discussed Mena with Gov. Bill Clinton in 1988.
Morris, Scott, "Clinton: State did all it could in Mena case," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, September 11, 1991 Gov. Bill Clinton claims the Arkansas State Police conducted a "very vigorous" investigation into allegations of drugs and money-laundering around Mena.
Morrison, Micah, "Mena Coverup? Razorback Columbo to Retire," WALL STREET JOURNAL May 10, 1995, pg. A18 Recounts the efforts of Arkansas State Policeman Russell Welch to investigate Mena, and the career troubles which ensued.
Morrison, Micah, "Mysterious Mena," WALL STREET JOURNAL, June 29, 1994 Recounts the stories about allegations of U.S. government-protected drug-running in Arkansas.
Morrison, Micah, "The Mena Coverup" WALL STREET JOURNAL, October 18, 1994 IRS investigator William Duncan developed documentation proving the money-laundering of cocaine profits through Arkansas.
Nabbefeld, Joe, "Evidence on Mena-CIA ties to go to Walsh; Airport's inclusion in Contra probe urged," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, September 10, 1991 Iran-contra Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh is given evidence on drug money-laundering involving CIA-Contra activities at Mena.
Norman, Jane, "Arkansas Airstrip Under Investigation," DES MOINES REGISTER, January 26, 1996, pg. 3 House Banking Chairman Jim Leach is investigating Mena.
"Panel investigating slain informant's activities," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, April 11, 1988 House investigators continue probing allegations of Contra cocaine smuggling.
Rafinski, Karen, "North gets boosters, protesters; Controversial Iran-Contra figure campaigns for Hayes," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, September 23, 1990 Oliver North visits Arkansas to support Republican Terry Hayes running against Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.).
Scarborough, Rowan, "House Panel Takes a Long Look at Mena," WASHINGTON TIMES, January 18, 1996 House Banking Committee is investigating the cocaine trafficking at Mena.
Semien, John, "Agent says Seal trafficked drugs while an informant," BATON ROUGE MORNING ADVOCATE, March 28, 1986 Louisiana state police describe their evidence that Barry Seal was a drug trafficker.
Semien, John, "Plane downed in Nicaragua once owned by Adler Barry Seal," BATON ROUGE MORNING ADVOCATE, March 10, 1986 The plane shot down over Nicaragua, revealing the Iran-contra affair, was owned by drug smuggler Barry Seal.
Semien, John, "Congress investigating Barry Seal's activities," BATON ROUGE SUNDAY ADVOCATE, April 10, 1988 Investigators for the House Subcommittee on Crime visited Louisiana to develop evidence regarding cocaine smuggling and the Contra resupply network.
Stewart, Julie, "Contras, Drug Smuggling Questions Remain About Arkansas Airport, ASSOCIATED PRESS, September 24, 1991
Stinson, Jeffrey, "Alexander vows to find answers to Seal story," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, December 22, 1990 Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.) Renews his efforts for a federal investigation of Mena.
Stinson, Jeffrey, "House panel hears tales of illegal activities at Mena airport," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, July 25, 1991 IRS investigator William Duncan describes the evidence he collected on drug trafficking at Mena and how the Justice Department asked him to perjure himself before a grand jury.
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr., "Furtive Drug Flights," August 25, 1995 Former Clinton bodyguard L.D. Brown reveals that apparently both Bill Clinton and George Bush knew about the Contra cocaine flights into Mena.
Walker, Martin, "Conspiracy theorists let imagination run riot over Whitewater scandal; Murder, arson, burglary, drug trafficking . . . they're all part of he plot, if the Clintons' accusers in the press are to be believed," THE GUARDIAN, March 24, 1994 Recounts the darkest allegations against Bill Clinton.
Weiner, Tim, "Suit by Drug Agent Says U.S. Subverted His Burmese Efforts," NEW YORK TIMES, October 27, 1994 Top DEA official in Burma describes how the State Department and CIA jeopardized his heroin investigations and put his life in danger.
Chua-Eoan, Howard G. and Shannon, Elaine, "Confidence Games," TIME, November 29, 1993, pg.35 CIA facilities in Venezuela are used to store 1,000 kilos of cocaine that is shipped to Miami.
Corn, David, "The C.I.A. and the Cocaine Coup," THE NATION, October 7, 1991, pg.404 Tells of CIA assistance in 1980 Bolivian coup that put cocaine cartel leaders into power.
COVERT ACTION INFORMATION BULLETIN, "The CIA and Drugs" edition, Number 28 (Summer 1987) Eight articles on the history of CIA drug trafficking and money laundering. Ordering information at
Denton, Sally and Morris, Roger, "The Crimes of Mena," PENTHOUSE, July, 1995 This was the story that the WASHINGTON POST spiked. Based on 2,000 documents from the late Barry Seal, Denton and Morris describe the evidence that no one in American political leadership will touch. The story is filthier than any of the pictures.
Dettmer, Jamie and Rodriguez, Paul M., "Starr Investigation Targets Law-Enforcement Complicity," INSIGHT, May 29, 1995 Report that Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr was investigating the shredding by Arkansas law enforcement of documents related to Iran-contra drug smuggling.
"Ghosts of carelessness past," ECONOMIST, May 7, 1994, pg. 30 Summary of allegations regarding cocaine smuggling at Mena.
Robinson, Deborah, "Unsolved mysteries in Clinton country," IN THESE TIMES, February 12-18, 1992 As Bill Clinton moved to gain the Democratic nomination for President, allegations surfaced that he ignored local law enforcement officials' pleas for assistance to investigate Mena.
Robinson, Linda and Duffy, Brian, "At play in the field of the spies; A primer: How not to fight the war on drugs," U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, November 29, 1993 CIA operatives in Venezuela were involved in or had known about drug shipments in the United States, but did nothing to stop them.
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr., "The Arkansas Drug Shuttle," THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR, August, 1995, pg.16 Story of former Clinton bodyguard, L.D. Brown, and his experiences in the Contra resupply operation
Wheeler, Scott L., "Dateline Mena: New Evidence, Rumored Congressional Inquiry Redirect Attention Toward Lingering Scandal," MEDIA BYPASS, January, 1996, pg. 60 More allegations rise to surface regarding cocaine trafficking at Mena, including evidence that the drug smuggling continues unabated.
"Whitewater Ad Nauseam?" BUSINESSWEEK, February 26, 1996, pg.45 House Banking Chairman James Leach is investigating Mena.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The fact of the matter is that it is contingent upon the health of democracy in these United States to not chose by color of the skin but by content of the issues being addressed. Yet he is the best candidate. He is for justice.
One of the largest things to confront, an albatros of sorts is the issue of the "War "on drugs. It is quite simply not a war on drugs but a war on the people who are victims of the drugs. Why not get serious about confronting the people who pay for the major shipments to be brought in? Why not put a mandatory life sentence on the people who finance large quantities into the US or give the death penalty?
We need to re-think the "war" at the regional state and Federal levels in a coordinated fashion in order to allow for a maximization of result in prevention as opposed to at the end in incarderation.
My vote, should I have one, will be to offer the candidates a test first on their knowledge of the book " The Strength of the Wolf". This will be our on the job manual.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Getty + Hitler ( well documented)

Chairman of the Board
Grant MacDonald is filing a $22 billion war crimes lawsuit in Washington against the Getty Oil Company benefactors based on Getty's support for Hitler & the Nazis in WWII. 43,000 people were killed in the UK while Getty was in Berlin shipping oil to Hitler five months before Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941 when Getty assiduously added to his art collection; with the Nazi leaders. Death - does not rule out - one going forward with civil forfeiture proceedings. Explained further .... Getty benefactors -- at the end of the day -- cannot sit on the spoils of Jean Paul Getty’s crimes.
The Price of Oil. To Obama only not to you or yo momma
ByGeorge Reisman**
Over the last year, the price of oil has once again been surging. The most prominent immediate cause has been cutbacks in the production of oil on the part of the member countries of OPEC, such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. But there are other and deeper causes at work, just as there were in the 1970s, when the price of oil dramatically increased.
First, the government of the United States was and is bent on a reckless expansion of the money supply. This acts to raise the demand for everything and thus the price of everything. Until recently, the main effect of the current rapid expansion in the quantity of money was to drive up stock prices and then real estate prices. But now it is spreading to commodity prices, oil in particular. It is only an expansion in the quantity of money and the corresponding increase in the overall ability to spend money that enables people to make sharply increased expenditures for oil and oil products without having to equivalently reduce their expenditures for other things and thereby reduce the prices of a wide range of other things.
And second, it is the U. S. government, no less than the governments that are members of the international oil cartel, that was and is responsible for the reduction in the supply of oil.
The U.S. government, acting largely under the influence of the ecology movement, has restricted the supply of oil in the following ways: (1) It has prevented exploration for and development of oil reserves in vast areas of territory arbitrarily set aside as “wildlife preserves” or “wilderness areas.” It has even consistently sought to prevent the development of the vital North Slope Alaskan oil fields, on the grounds of alleged concerns over harmful “environmental” effects, such as disturbance of the feeding habits of caribou herds and deterioration in the appearance of frozen waste lands. (2) It has joined in an international agreement to close Antarctica and its potentially vast oil deposits to all mining operations for the next fifty years. (3) It has prevented the development of offshore oil wells on the continental shelf. (4) It has prevented the construction of oil and gas pipelines, of new refineries, oil storage facilities, and facilities for handling supertankers. (5) Over the years, the U.S. government has imposed price controls on oil and has acted further to restrict oil company profits, and thus oil industry investment, by punitively increasing their rate of taxation through first reducing and then totally abolishing the old depletion allowance on crude oil.
In addition, the U.S. government has been responsible for an enormous artificial increase in the demand for oil, over and above the increase caused by its policy of inflation. It has caused this artificial increase in demand mainly by holding down the supply of substitutes for oil, such as atomic power and coal. In these ways, it forced, and continues to force, the demand for fuel to rely more heavily than necessary on oil supplies. Like reductions in the supply of oil, these measures also increase the scarcity of oil.
In sum, the government and the ecology movement have done everything in their power to raise the demand for and restrict the supply of oil.
It should be realized that it was only these actions of the U.S. government that has made possible the dramatic rise in the price of oil—in the 1970s and again today. The U.S. government bears a far greater responsibility than the Arab cartel. It is the party that has made it possible for the cartel to succeed. All that the cartel did in the 1970s, and is once again doing now, is to take advantage of the artificial increase in demand and reduction of supply brought about by the U.S. government.
Had the U.S. government not restricted the expansion of the domestic petroleum industry and forced up the demand for oil, the supply reductions carried out by the cartel would not have had such a significant effect on the price. Because in that case, such supply reductions would have been at the expense of far less important wants than actually turned out to be the case. With the larger domestic supply of oil and competing fuels that a free market would have produced, the importance of any given amount of oil would have been far less. The loss of any given amount of oil by virtue of the supply reductions carried out by the cartel would therefore have been much less serious. (An analogy would be the difference between someone having to give up a scoop of ice cream when he has three or four scoops compared with when he has only two scoops.) As a result, the cartel would not have been able to raise the price nearly as much by virtue of any given amount of supply reduction.
In such circumstances, in order to establish a price of crude oil as high as existed back in the 1970s, or as high as exists today, the cartel members would have had to reduce their production far more than they actually did reduce it. They would have had to reduce their production by an additional amount equal to the sum of the reduced supply and increased demand for oil caused by the policies of the U.S. government. This would have been too great a loss of volume for the cartel to be able to benefit from the high price.
Furthermore, in the absence both of environmental restrictions on the supply of domestically produced oil and of controls on the price of such oil, any rise in the price of oil achieved by the cartel would work to the advantage of the American oil industry at the expense of the oil industry in the countries belonging to the cartel. This alone would be enough to frustrate the plans of the cartel. For in this case, the effect of the cartel's reduction of supply would be to hand the American oil industry the profits and the capital required for an expansion of supply. The cartel would then either have to allow the price of oil to fall or else it would have to restrict its own production still further, which would mean that the American oil companies would earn the high price of oil on a larger volume of production and have still greater profits available for expansion, thereby creating still worse problems for the cartel in the future.
It should be obvious that it is impossible for any cartel to succeed that is confronted with a major competitor able to profit from its policies and expand his production. The Arab cartel was and is able to succeed only because the U.S. government did, and continues to do, its utmost to prevent the cartel's competition—the U.S. oil industry—from earning high profits and expanding. Although it was and is certainly not their intent, those elected officials who have been setting the U.S. government’s energy policy for much of the last thirty years have behaved as though they owed their election to voters in the member countries of the Arab cartel, rather than to voters in the United States. For it has certainly not been an American constituency that their actions have served, but the interests of the Arab cartel.
In the absence of the U.S. government's misguided policies, the Arab cartel would probably never even have been formed in the first place, because the conditions required for its success would have been totally lacking. If, today, the United States were to abolish its restrictions on the production of energy and abstain from enacting price controls and any other punitive measures against the American oil and other energy-producing industries, the OPEC cartel would be broken once and for all, and the real price of energy would resume the descent it enjoyed from the start of the Industrial Revolution until the 1970s.
Such a policy, of course, would entail removing the prohibitions on the construction of atomic power plants and the restrictions on the strip mining of coal. It would also entail the privatization of the vast landholdings of the federal and state governments in Alaska and the other Western states and of the continental shelf, and then fully respecting the right of the new private property owners to use their property as they saw fit, so that oil, coal, and gas reserves and atomic power could all be freely developed. That would be a policy of abundant and cheap energy in all of its forms. It would be a policy that would operate in favor of the American consumer, not the Arab governments that control substantial oil reserves.
This article appeared in the Commentary Section of The Orange County Register, Sunday, April 2, 2000.
*Copyright © 2000 by George Reisman. All rights reserved.
**George Reisman, Ph.D., is professor of Economics at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management and is the author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics (Ottawa, Illinois: James
Friday, June 20, 2008
I said for OBAMA only, not for your momma
"This book uses a flexible learning framework to explain the best ways of creating a meaningful learning environment.
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Managing E-learning: Design, Delivery, Implementation, and Evaluationby Badrul Huda Khan - Distance education - 2005 - 424 pages
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Web-Based Trainingby Badrul Huda Khan - Education - 2001 - 599 pages
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E-learning QUICK Checklistby Badrul Huda Khan - Education - 2005 - 213 pages
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Web-Based Instructionby Badrul Huda Khan - Education - 1997
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I said for OBAMA only, not for your momma
"This book uses a flexible learning framework to explain the best ways of creating a meaningful learning environment.
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Managing E-learning: Design, Delivery, Implementation, and Evaluationby Badrul Huda Khan - Distance education - 2005 - 424 pages
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Web-Based Trainingby Badrul Huda Khan - Education - 2001 - 599 pages
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E-learning QUICK Checklistby Badrul Huda Khan - Education - 2005 - 213 pages
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Web-Based Instructionby Badrul Huda Khan - Education - 1997
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Tell yo Momma not to look. This is for OBAMA's eyes only
Only the pure in Heart
Marius Paşca, Organizing and searching the world wide web of facts -- step two: harnessing the wisdom of the crowds, Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, May 08-12, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Marius Paşca
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Thursday, June 19, 2008
Psalm 19 start
Psalm 19 Russian first
Псалем 19Псалем Дэвид1-2 слава Бог находится на путешествии в небесах, Бог-корабле на экспонате через горизонт. Madame День держит типы каждое утро, Лекции по профессора Ночи каждый вечер. 3-4 их слова не услышаны, их голоса не записаны, Но их безмолвие заполняет землю: невысказанная правда поговорена везде. 4-5 Бог делает огромный купол для superdome солнца-! Супруг A. солнца утра. новый перескакивающ от его кровати медового месяца, Daybreaking солнце спортсмен участвовать в гонке к ленте. 6 как слово Бог вольтижирует через небеса от восхода солнца к заходу солнца, Плавя лед, убийственные пустыни, грея сердца к вере. 7-9 откровение Бог вс и тяги наши жизни совместно. Указатели Бог ясны и пункт вне правая дорога. Жизн-карты Бог правы, показывать дорогу к утехе. Направления Бог обыкновенны толком и легко на глазах. Репутацией Бог будет золото 20-4-карата, с гарантией продолжительности жизни. Решения Бог точны вниз к nth STEPENи. Слово 10 Бог более лучшее чем диамант, лучше чем диамант установленный между изумрудами. Вы полюбите оно более лучше чем клубники весной, улучшайте чем красные, зрелые клубники. 11-14 больше: Слово Бог предупреждает нас опасности и направляет нас к спрятанному сокровищу. В противном случае как мы путь наш? Или знайте когда мы играем дурачка? Очистьте шифер, Бог, поэтому мы можем начать день свежий! Держите меня от тупоумных согрешений, от думающ я могу принять сверх вашу работу; После этого я могу этим начать солнц-помытым днем, scrubbed чистым грязи согрешения. Эти будут слова в моем рте; эти я жую дальше и молю. Примите их когда я устанавливаю их на алтаре утра, O Бог, мой Алтар-Утес, Бог, Священник--Мо-Алтар.
A David Psalm 1-2 God's glory is on tour in the skies, God-craft on exhibit across the horizon. Madame Day holds classes every morning, Professor Night lectures each evening. 3-4 Their words aren't heard, their voices aren't recorded, But their silence fills the earth: unspoken truth is spoken everywhere. 4-5 God makes a huge dome for the sun—a superdome! The morning sun's a new husband leaping from his honeymoon bed, The daybreaking sun an athlete racing to the tape. 6 That's how God's Word vaults across the skies from sunrise to sunset, Melting ice, scorching deserts, warming hearts to faith. 7-9 The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together. The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road. The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy. The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes. God's reputation is twenty-four-carat gold, with a lifetime guarantee. The decisions of God are accurate down to the nth degree. 10 God's Word is better than a diamond, better than a diamond set between emeralds. You'll like it better than strawberries in spring, better than red, ripe strawberries. 11-14 There's more: God's Word warns us of danger and directs us to hidden treasure. Otherwise how will we find our way? Or know when we play the fool? Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh! Keep me from stupid sins, from thinking I can take over your work; Then I can start this day sun-washed, scrubbed clean of the grime of sin. These are the words in my mouth; these are what I chew on and pray. Accept them when I place them on the morning altar, O God, my Altar-Rock, God, Priest-of-My-Altar.