Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Getty + Hitler ( well documented)

A BILLION BUCKS ... 1ST film in GETTY/HITLER TRILOGY ... GETTYMOVIE directed by Grant MacDonald ucla.Yahoo MOVIES .... GETTYMOVIE. This intriguing 40-minute documentary from writer/director Grant MacDonald explores the shady dealings of Wall Street in the months leading up to American involvement in World War II, as J.P. Getty continues shipping oil to Hitler's Germany well into 1941.A BILLION BUCKS+ ... #4 FARMCLUB/USA Networks/MTV/MuchMusic.Music Director's favorite ... KSPC 88.7 FM ... CLAREMONT CALIFORNIA. It was a joyous moment, finding this record. Proof, somehow, that there are people of brilliance out there.It’s the soundtrack to MacDonald’s film about how the Getty Oil Company sold oil to the Nazis during WW2. JP GETTY FBI FILE 100.1202 JUNE 26, 1940 ESPIONAGEThe UK & FBI reported that JP GETTY was filling his Hotel Pierre in New York City with Nazi spies who were sabotaging Allied forces weaponry plants. JP Getty's mother was German. 43,000 people were killed in UK between Aug/Oct 1940. The FBI reported that JP Getty was still shipping oil to Hitler nine months after London was being bombed; several years into the Holocaust; five months before Pearl Harbor ... December 7, 1941.
I just happened to be in a class when the instructor ran across this information. It came from my request to find where Germany got their oil prior to their invasion of Austria and Romania. Both Austria and romania were rich with underground reserves. The Germans were land-locked but had money raised in constant campaining and confiscation of assests of the Jewish people of Germany who were told to get out leave their assets and keeep their life.

It gets deeper when we look at who performed the geologic surveys, and the geographic ones from above.

I admire Grant and especially his technique when we consider the necessity of a planned reparation program to aid poor whites and blacks who have a business plan.

Grant MacDonald, DBA, LL.D.
Chairman of the Board


Grant MacDonald is filing a $22 billion war crimes lawsuit in Washington against the Getty Oil Company benefactors based on Getty's support for Hitler & the Nazis in WWII. 43,000 people were killed in the UK while Getty was in Berlin shipping oil to Hitler five months before Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941 when Getty assiduously added to his art collection; with the Nazi leaders. Death - does not rule out - one going forward with civil forfeiture proceedings. Explained further .... Getty benefactors -- at the end of the day -- cannot sit on the spoils of Jean Paul Getty’s crimes.

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